Whitstable councillors respond to proposed parking charges

Canterbury City Council discuss changes to parking bays and yellow lines in their Annual On Street Parking Review. Anyone can recommend a change to on street parking online and historically these ideas were discussed once a year in a meeting open to the public (the Whitstable Forum). 

This year 13 of the 16 proposals for in the centre of Whitstable have been made by Labour Councillors in consultation with local residents, business owners and schools. 

We believe it is important to make our recommendations public to improve transparency. You deserve to know what we think and why we have come to the conclusions we have.

You will find detail of all the proposals listed here and submit your own comments until the 7th February.

Our recommendations are:



6500: Proposed double yellow lines – Teynham Road


Extending the double yellow lines away from Castle Road will prevent traffic backing up on the road. The loss of one car parking space is made up with the removal of a white line across Keelson Yard which doesn’t have a dropped kerb.

6550: Proposed removal of double yellow lines – Warwick Road


Parking in the conservation area is problematic. The turning space at the end of Warwick Road is not often used.

6906: Proposed parking bays – Old Bridge Road


The removal of residents parking on Old Bridge Road was opposed by both the city and county councillors in the 2021 Review because of the impact it would have on residents on the bottom of All Saints Close. This proposal provides drawn on street parking for residents whilst retaining the newly painted cycle paths.

6910: Proposed removal of yellow line – Seymour Avenue


The no waiting restriction in this area was designed to prevent commuter parking in Seymour Avenue, however this problem doesn’t exist this far up the hill. Removing the double yellow line will allow for more residential parki

6925: Proposed double yellow lines – Belmont Road / Old Millfield Works


We supported residents in their opposition to additional yellow lines on Belmont Road this year. This proposal protects access into Old Millfield Works but provides an additional two car parking spaces

6930: Proposed disabled parking bay – Grimshill Road


Godfrey House is one of two supported living schemes in the ward and the only one without disabled access. The scheme has good wheelchair access and would benefit from this provision.

6945: Proposed time limit in coach bay Harbour Street, Whitstable


Coach parking in this bay forces buses to pull wide in a section of the road narrowed by short term parking. Local traders complain high sided vehicles cause loss of light in their shops – longer term coach parking is available in Tankerton.

6950: Proposed removal of parking bay – Neptune Gap


This parking bay limits access to the residential properties and Neptune public house. It is situated at the narrowest part of the road and unsafe to drive around.

7000: Proposed double yellow lines – Bellevue Road


The existing double yellow lines have not been legally enforceable since they were drawn by KCC over fifteen years ago and are in desperate need of replacement. Redrawing these lines will allow civil enforcement officers to support teachers in road safety. Extending the double yellows around the blind corner will reduce parking on the site of a series road traffic accident involving a student this year.

7020: Proposed double yellow lines – Stream Walk and Sydenham Street,


We support the principle of increasing pedestrian access down Stream Walk and agree that parking on the pavement is a problem. However, residents have rightly highlighted that parking is at a premium and that relocating the lines to the other side of the road would improve pedestrian access whilst loosing less parking spaces.


New double yellow lines on the bottom of Sydenham Street will substantially improve access and we support that. We reject the remaining double yellow lines and will bring forward plans for a smaller section of double yellow lines on the opposite side of the road next year.

7030: Proposed change of disabled bay to loading bay – High Street,


We opposed this disabled bay in 2021 and since its introduction local shop keepers have complained of being unable to simultaneously access the bay because of long term parking. The reopening of Gladstone Road car park provided better off street disabled parking options.

7040: Proposed loading bay and taxi rank – High Street,


The shared loading bay and taxi rank outside The Rock Lodge has been a success this year. The taxi rank is very infrequently used during the day and additional capacity could prevent parking on the curtilage outside Costa which limits sight lines for traffic pulling out of Harbour Street onto the High Street.

7050: Proposed changes to yellow lines – Millstream Close


The existing no waiting conditions do little to prevent commuters parking in the street whilst negatively affecting resident parking in the evening. Changing the conditions to the early morning is more likely to be a successful deterrent.

7060: Proposed double yellow lines – Old bridge Road and Millfield Manor


Adding double yellow lines opposite the junction will increase access and prevent the build-up of parked cars on either side of the road creating a chicane in the road.

7080: Proposed changes to yellow lines – Canterbury Road


Residents at the bottom of Canterbury Road have raised the issue of speeding cars coming down Borstal Hill. The existing restrictions allow for safe access to several quite tight junction including Marines Court, Swanfield Road and access to the Co-Op – it makes sense for them to be all week around.

7100: Proposed double yellow lines – Saddleton Road


Access to this section of the road is difficult for bus drivers with parked cars on each side. Local residents’ complain of being unable to reverse safely out of their drives.

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